SF Immigration Court’s Administrator Maria’s son Matteo Needs Your Vote for his Doodle 4 Google Drawing Contest

Dear Friends,

I’m proud to share with you all that Matteo (my son) is one of 40
regional finalists in the Doodle 4 Google contest. His doodle was chosen
out of 107,000 entries and he has won an all expense paid trip to NYC
(mom& dad included). Yesterday Google employees came out to his school
for an assembly where his doodle was blown up and shared with the entire
school (see picture attached). The media covered this event and he was
featured on the noon news yesterday on CBS 5 and ABC 7 news.

In order for him to make it to the national finals he needs on-line
votes and I’m lobbying for SFR to help! (BKS approved this email J).
Matteo is the only Bay Area child in the K-3 category and I think
his doodle rocks…..I am a little biased. You can vote as many
times as you can as long as it is from a different computer, e.g.
you can vote from work, home or phone, etc!

*Please visit his doodle and vote at
http://www.google.com/doodle4google/vote.html#d=d1-10 REGION 10,
SPACE LIFE*. If he makes the national finals he has a chance to win
a 15K scholarship and his school will receive a 25K grant towards
the development or enrichment of a technology computer lab! Please
share this information with friends and others. Voting ends on May
13^th at 6pm.

(CBS news link, please view video from home)


(ABC news article only)


Thanks for your support!

Rudy, Maria& Matteo

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