Bay Area Legal Aid (BayLegal) is currently accepting applications for its Shartsis Friese Public Interest Fellow. The position will be placed in BayLegal’s San Mateo County Regional office in San Mateo.
The Organization: BayLegal ( is the largest legal services provider in the Bay Area, serving Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Mateo, San Francisco and Santa Clara counties. Its mission is to provide high quality legal assistance to clients, regardless of their location, language, or disability. BayLegal assists clients primarily in housing, family law/domestic violence, access to healthcare and public benefits matters.
The Office: The San Mateo County Regional Program operates offices in San Mateo and Redwood City. In San Mateo, the office provides comprehensive legal services, including representation in family, housing, and immigration matters, to low-income survivors of domestic violence. In Redwood City, the office serves the same population and operates a pro se TRO clinic in partnership with the court.
Job Description: We seek an energetic, confident, culturally sensitive attorney or law graduate, with a strong commitment to public interest law and social justice advocacy. Working together with the other two lawyers in San Mateo, the fellow will provide legal assistance to survivors of domestic violence in family, housing, and immigration law. The Fellowship will begin September 4, 2007 and end August 31, 2008.
Requirements: You must be an attorney or law student who will graduate and take the California Bar exam this year. For law graduates, familiarity with the relevant practice areas is desirable. For attorneys, experience in one or more of the areas is highly preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills and the capacity to work well independently and as a team are a must. Preference will be given to candidates bilingual in Spanish.
Compensation and Benefits: $45,000+ depending on experience. Generous benefits package includes loan repayment, oral and written bilingual differentials, vacation and health insurance.
Applications: Deadline to submit applications is April 30, 2007. A hiring decision will be made by early June 2007. Bay Area Legal Aid is an equal opportunity employer. Please submit a cover letter expressing your interest in public interest law and in representing survivors of domestic violence, including immigrants, a resume, recent writing sample and two references, (preferably via email) to:
Rose Marie Figueroa
Human Resources Manager
Bay Area Legal Aid
405 14th St., Suite 900
Oakland, Ca. 94612
FAX: (510) 663-4711