Volunteers Needed – to act as mentors to students and recent graduates interested in a career in immigration law.
The Guild’s Mentor Project was created to help support students. The project aims to link law students and recent graduates with attorneys who can offer guidance, support and hopefully inspiration. Although the Mentor Project encompasses various areas of the law, the Guild contacted AILA to send this email because they are particularly interested in teaming immigration practitioners practicing all types of immigration law with mentees interested in immigration law.
The time commitment is minimal. The project expects mentors and mentees to speak and then hopefully meet informally a few times a year. The Guild’s mentor/mentee matching letter which describes the responsibilities of both mentors and mentees is attached. Although the letter is addressed to Guild members, you do not need to be a Guild member to be a mentor. Any assistance from any AILA member would be appreciated.
Mentors would talk with mentees about life as a practicing immigration lawyer, provide any guidance possible, etc. The point is to connect law students with mentors that have the same interests that they have, which can be an invaluable for students interested in areas such as immigration law.
Please contact David Weintraub at 510-625-9700 or DWeintraub@Beesontayer.com if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering.
About the sponsoring organization: The National Lawyers Guild is an association dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. The Guild seeks to unite the lawyers, law students, legal workers and jailhouse lawyers of America in an organization that will function as an effective political and social force in the service of the people.