Immigration Reform and Enforcement EXPOSED, Sept. 6

Immigration Reform and Enforcement EXPOSED
An Immigration Policy Presentation and Discussion with La Raza Centro Legal

When : Thursday, September 6, 2007. 6:30-8:00 PM

Where : Offices of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, 39 Drumm Street (between California and Sacramento), San Francisco.

(Find Directions at )

At a time when major changes are afoot in immigration laws and the conditions within immigrant communities, we invite concerned attorneys and other professionals to hear from San Francisco’s leading Legal, Policy and Grassroots Leader on Immigration Issues about:

* Federal Immigration Reform: What passed, what didn’t, and what proposals are still on the table.
* Immigration Enforcement Today: ICE Raids, Detention and Deportation, and the impact on immigrant communities.
* What’s happening in San Francisco, the Bay Area and throughout the country.


Anamaria Loya , esq., Executive Director, La Raza Centro Legal

Renee Saucedo , esq., Community Empowerment Director and national policy advocate, La Raza Centro Legal

Rosy Cho , esq., Immigration Attorney, McVey, Mullery, Dulberg & Cho. Member of La Raza Centro Legal Fund Advisory Board and 2006-07 liaison of the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s Northern California Chapter to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Unit of Department of Homeland Security

Avantika Rao , esq. Immigration Law Coordinator, La Raza Centro Legal

This event is co-sponsored by the San Francisco La Raza Lawyers Association.

A short cocktail reception with drinks and refreshments will be held before the program begins. For more information, please call 415.553.3411 or email .

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